
目前显示的是 九月, 2010的博文


Strictly speaking , I didn't do well in my graduate exam.Maybe I didn't study hard , or I had no mood to study it.XD Personally I think I am not so good in studying, but I don't want to let down myself  and relatives. Time is running out , I am still moody, especially when I was writing the answer sheet , my head was not full of the contents that I studied but the music I listened when I was studying. Here's some songs -  the band perry~ if I die young miranda cosgrove ~ kissing you we the kings ~ heaven can wait (acoustic version) paramore~ turn it off Well, well, feeling lost , isolated despair in results but life is good , isn't it? Albeit it is tough, we still need to pursue our dream Dream is indispensable So Hey !! I want an electric guitar Ibanez RG series I want to be a prolific guitarist. I envy people who have their own guitar and enjoy playing it, I will be very happy if I were them. Inevitably, we need to face the realit...


Why the graduate exam is so hard, They don't want us to graduate? Physic,Chinese,BM, now Maths why , why, I have been prepared for a long time especially Maths , but somehow today I fail to finish it Out of time , and many mistakes Grrrr .... These days, I'm thinking why am I so tired so disappointed, so desperate, Had I ruined my confidence How can I continue my goal? Maybe the exam isn't held for us to graduate It is for us to learn to be keep cool think positive :D and let us to have more experience on solving problems to have more questions to prepare the UEC Hmmm... My Maths Let it be Never Mind XD Be Happy , Go and prepare other subjects Tik tok


Finally it is time to receive my prize having consolation prize in individual  & runner-up in team in Hua Lo Ken Maths Competition I take this photo on the way to school to gather ... when I get down from the bus first, I hit the Advertisement Board Why why, it is tall is bad? Ouch , it still a bit pain when touching it now ... get the Prize left one is individual , on the right is team a big constant , right? Haha, a golden bowl on top of the cup Last one, isn't it unique? Special illusion XD Big head,high fore head, orange mouth and beard fish-eye view Nice right? XD

These days...

5/9 Doing holiday homework is exhausting, Well, what about going to JJ's Popular to read some books to fulfill my curiosity on what's latest And oh !! I find the "Reader" by 梁文道 , the content is really great , criticizing some people who pretending reading some good books , or ,judging books with its cover ... I like it but i dint buy it. T.T not enough $ , nvm It's time to back home, obviously hari raya is around , and many decoration have been put on ^^ 7/9 so boring , take some photo 9/9 Practicing water ink art ;P     10/9 Yeah Yeah!! Go to Book Fair @ KLCC Hmm... see some friends there well, Chinese books are less than English books , ... Hmph, just buy a book at the end  卡內基~人性的弱点 RM 12.8 his books are .... no words to describe his concepts , do really effective in  spiritual sublimation I don't take any photo in the exhibition hall XD but some KL views XP   How about these one ? guess what are they It's Taylor College after book...

越野赛跑~ 3.9.10

越野赛跑 唉 夠衰 站在第一排 一开跑就被推 脚被勾 跌倒 后面一堆人就我弄跌… 还好沒被踏伤 眼镜飞掉 不见踪影 变成最后一个跑 超不爽的 老们都不要找 叫我先跑 %^$^#%!@%# 跑 头痛 沒戴眼镜太久会这样 思绪很乱 再不爽也要跑 最后一年了 唉 更惨的是要跑过第一站之后才有医药处 跑了很久 才上黄药水 一路跑 看到 筱微 就是沒看到琦吶 … 回到学校 还是找不到眼镜 彥璋陪我到训导处报失 换了衣服 再和劲龙下去再找过一次 刚好苏进存老师下来 他眼力好好 终于找到了 神奇 镜片沒花 框花掉点 还好还能戴 真谢谢有人帮我把眼镜拾起来 但怎么要放在那不起眼的地方 又不交给老师吶~ 真是的 我班沒拿到团体奖 发预试成绩 5A 2B 算过得去啦~